


李糧輝  陳文華  李麗珍  陳燕凌  王蘭蘭

【摘要】目的 評價臭氧氧化預處理對大鼠肝臟缺血再灌注損傷的影響。方法 將18只SD 大鼠(雄性,8周齡,250 -300 g)按隨機數字表法分為3組:假手術組(S組)、缺血再灌注組(I/R組) 和臭氧預處理組(O3+I/R組),每組6只。O3+I/R組于術前5天連續腹腔注射臭氧和氧氣混合氣體(臭氧濃度為50 mg/L,1 mg?kg -1?d-1 )。采用結扎肝動脈、門靜脈和膽管分支45 min后恢復灌注的方法制備大鼠肝臟缺血再灌注損傷模型。再灌注3 h后抽取腹主動脈血樣測定血清ALT和AST 水平;處死大鼠取肝組織,測定超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性和丙二醛(MDA)含量。結果 與S組比較,I/R組和O3+I/R組血清ALT和AST水平、肝組織MDA含量升高,I/R組肝組織SOD活性降低 (P<0.05),O3 +I/R組肝組織SOD活性升高(P<0.05);與I/R組比較,O3+I/R組血清ALT和AST 水平、肝組織MDA含量降低,肝組織SOD活性升高。結論 臭氧預處理可減輕大鼠肝臟缺血再灌注損傷,其機制可能與抑制脂質過氧化反應有關。



  Ozone oxidative intervention protects against hepatic ischemia reperfusion injury in rats

  Li Liang- hui* , Chen Wenhua, Li Lizhen, Chen Yanting, Wang Lanlan.

  * Department of Anesthesiology, Southern Branch O f the Fujian Proincial Hospital, Fuzhoo 350028 , China

  Correspooding author: Chen Wenhua, DepaOment O f Anesthesiology, Fujian Medical Universita Unioo Hospital, Emaii: whc6202@ 163. com

  【Abstract】 Objective To explore the protective effect of ozone oxidative preconditioning on hepatic ischemia reperfusion injury in rats. Methodcs Eighteen 8-week-old SPF Sprague-Dawley malo rats weighting 250 ?300 g were randomly diviged into three groups ( n = 6 each) : sham operation group ( group S) , ischemia/reperfusion group ( group I/R) and ozone oxidative preconditioning group ( group O3 + I/R)。 In Group O3+I/R, rats received five-day preconditioning treatments by  intraperitoneal injection of ozone and oxygen mixed gases ( ozone concentration 50 mg/L, 1 mg ? kg -1 ? d -1 ) , and then experienced the procedure of he-patic ischemia/reperfusion injury. Model of  hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injure was established by clamping the branches of  hepatic artery and portal vein in the median and left lateral hepatic lobes for 45 min, followed by 3-h reperfusion. After reperfusion, blood samples were taken from the aorta abdominalis for detecting ser- um aminotransferases ( ALT & AST)。 Thess rats were executed and the hepatic tissue samples were collec-ted for measuring hepatic malondialdehyde( MDA)and superoxide dismutase ( SOD) level。 Results Compared with group S, concentrations of serum ALT, AST and hepatic MDA were increased in group I/R and O3+I/R; concentrations of  hepatic SOD were decreased ( P<0. 05) in group I/R, but concentration of  hepatic SOD was in creasedin groupO3+I/R Compared with group IR, concentrations of serum  ALT,AST and hepatic MDA were decreased, while concentration of hepatic SOD was increased in group O3+I/R (P < 0. 05 ) . Conclusion Ozone oxidative preconditioning could inhibit the lipid peroxidation  to protect the rats against hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury.

  〖Key words〗Ozone oxidative preconditioning;Ischemia/reperfusion injury;Liver

  Frnd program: Natural Sciencc Foundation of  Fujian  Province (2016J01543)

  DOI:lO.376O/cma. j.issn. 1007-8118.2017.03.014


