
醫用臭氧配合羥考酮緩釋劑治療中重度癌痛的臨床觀察 (二)


(中國醫科大學附屬盛京醫院 疼痛科,遼寧 沈陽 110004)

Clinical efficacy of medical ozone combined with slow-release
oxycodone hydrochloride in treatment of moderate to
severe cancer pain*

Hong-xi Li, Peng Yao
(Department ofPain Management,Shengjing Hospital ofChina Medical University,
Shenyang,Liaoning 110004,China)

Abstract:   Objective   To observe the effect of medical ozone combined with slow-release oxycodone hydrochloride on pain relief, mental state, safety and quality of life in the patients with moderate to severe cancer pain.  Methods  Eighty cancer patients were randomly divided into two groups with 40 cases in each group. The patients in the combined group received medical ozone combined with slow-release oxycodone, and the patients in the Oxycontin group only received slow-release oxycodone. Pain score, depression score, quality of life, drug dosage and adverse reactions before treatment, 2 weeks after treatment and 1 month after discharge were recorded.  Results After treatment, the pain of the two groups were well controlled and had no significant difference. After 2 weeks of treatment and 1 month after discharge, the drug dosage of the combined group was lower than that of the Oxycontin group (P < 0.05). After 2 weeks of treatment and 1 month after discharge, the quality of life and depression of the combined group were significantly improved compared to the Oxycontin group (P < 0.05). There was no serious complication in the two groups. The incidences of nausea and vomiting, drowsiness and pruritus were higher in the Oxycontin group than in the combined group (P < 0.05).  Conclusions  In the treatment of moderate to severe cancer pain, medical ozone combined with slow-release oxycodone, can significantly improve the mood and quality of life of the patients, reduce the dosage of opioids and has no obvious complications. It is recommended to be used in clinic.
Keywords:  ozone; slow-release oxycodone; cancer pain; quality of life.

腫瘤的發病率逐年上升,全世界每年新發病例超  過 1 000 萬。疼痛是患者最常見、最恐懼的癥狀之一, 引起或加重患者的焦慮、抑郁、憤怒等情緒,嚴重影  響患者日常活動、自理能力、交往能力及整體生活質  量,使患者身體和心理遭受雙重打擊 [1]。統計顯示, 89.1% 的腫瘤患者存在焦慮癥狀,其中的 68% 存在中  重度疼痛 [2-3] 。嗎啡及羥考酮緩釋劑等阿片類藥物常  規用于治療中重度癌痛,但由于其耐受性、呼吸抑制  等諸多不良反應,限制了阿片類藥物的使用。因此, 如何更好地緩解癌痛并且減少相關副作用是臨床醫生  需要解決的問題。醫用臭氧具有抗炎、鎮痛、強氧化  等作用,在疼痛治療中廣泛應用 [4] 。楊繼群等 [5]   的研  究表明三氧血回輸治療可提高晚期腫瘤患者的生活質  量。本文旨在研究醫用臭氧聯合羥考酮緩釋劑治療中  重度癌痛的臨床效果及對患者精神狀態、生活質量的  影響,指導臨床應用。
