
免疫三氧自血療法對尋常型銀屑病病人外周血VEGF 和 HIF-1α 表達的影響(二)

免疫三氧自血療法對尋常型銀屑病病人外周血VEGF 和 HIF-1α 表達的影響(一)

王杰, 李睿亞 , 段妍, 莎娜
( 內蒙古自治區醫院 皮膚性病科,內蒙古 呼和浩特 010020)

WANG Jie,  LI Rui-ya,  DUAN Yan,  et al.

( Inner Mongolia Hospital,Hohhot 010020 China)

Abstract: Objective: This project aims to observe the change of medical ozone on psoriasis vulgaris and its impact on VEGF and HIF-1α in serum and try to discorver the possible mechanism of medical ozone in treating psoriasis vulgaris. Methods: 70 patients with psoriasis vulgaris were assigned to join this study and were equally divided into the treatment group( medical ozone) and the control group( Compound indigo naturalis pills) .The period of treatment was 8 weeks.Besides,a normal control group including 20  healthy  volunteers  was  set  up. This  project  respectively  observed  the  PASI  in  the treatment group and the control group,adopted the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay to test the before and after treatment of these two groups on the contents change of peripheral blood,and did the related analysis according to corresponding score.Results: The PASI scores were significantly decreased after treatment in both groups,but the  decrement in  treatment group  was more  significant than  that in control group.The total clinical effective rates in treatment group was 88.57%,while control group were 57.14%; therefore,therapeutic effect in treatment group is superior to that in control group.The level of VEGF and HIF- 1α  in  serum  in  two  groups  before  treatment  was  obviously  higher  than  those  in  the healthy control.After treatment,the levels of VEGF and HIF-1α in serum were significantly decreased in both groups,and the  changes in  treatment group  were  more  significant  than  those  in  control  group. There was a positive correlation between the level of VEGF or HIF-1α and PASI scores of psoriatic pa-tients,but there was not a correlation between VEGF and HIF-1α.Conclusion: Medical ozone is effec- tive and safe in the treatment of psoriatic vulgaris,and when VEGF and HIF-1α in peripheral blood of psoriatic  patients. are  abnoemal,medical  ozone  can  correct  abnormal  VEGF  and  HIF- 1α,so  as  to  a- chieve a therapeutic effect.

Key words: psoriasis; medical ozone; vascular endothelial growth  factor; hypoxia-inducible  factor-1α

