


張廣建   超    任婷婷 閆清華 金文哲 李仁淑





THE influence OF ozone autohemotherapy treatmentON THE SERUM LEVELS OF IL-2 AND IL-6 IN PATIENTS WITHpostherpeticneuralgia

(ZHANG Guang-JianWANG ChaoWANG WeiREN Ting-TingYAN Qing-HuaJIN Wen-ZheLI Ren-ShuD. Department of Pain ManagementAffiliated Hospital of YanBian UniversityYanji 133000)

Abstract ObjectiveTo investigate the influence of ozone autohemotherapy treatment (O3-AHT) on the serum levelsof IL-2IL-6 in patients with PHN. Methods40 patients with PHN were randomly divided into two groupsthe experimental group (n=21) and the control group (n=19).The patients in control group only accepted conventional treatment. The patients in experimental group combined O3-AHT(once every other day)on the basis of conventional treatment. Blood samples of both groups were collected before treatment and 1d10d and 20dafter treatment respectively. The changes of the serum levelsof IL-2IL-6 were measured by radioimmunoassay(RIA).ResultsThere were no significant difference onthe serum levels of IL-2 before treatment and 1d10d and 20d after treatment in control group (P0.05). There were significant difference on the serum levels ofIL-2 before treatment and 1d10d and 20d after treatment in experimental group (P0.01) and the serum levels of IL-2 increased linearly with the extension of time (P0.01).There was no significant difference on the serum levels of IL-2 between two groups(P0.05). The serum levels of IL-2 10d and 20d after treatment in experimental group were significantly higher than thosein control group(P0.01). The serum levels of IL-6 reduced over time in two groups. There was no significant difference on the serum levels of IL-6 before treatment and 10~20d after treatment in experimental group (P0.05). Compared with control groupthe serum levels ofIL-6 significantly reduced 1~10dafter treatment in experimental groupP<0.05. Conclusion:The serum levels of IL-2 reduced with course of treatment and those of IL-6 reduced by O3-AHTduring 1~10din patients with PHN.

Key wordsO3-AHTPHNIL-2IL-6

帶狀皰疹后神經痛(postherpetic neuralgiaPHN)發病率相對較高,多見于免疫功能低下的人群,據報道約10%的帶狀皰疹患者遺留有PHN,超過60歲的老年人PHN發生率可高達50%-75%[1]。目前治療此病諸多方法的療效均不夠理想,PHN的發病機理和治療研究仍是當前一項迫切而艱難的課題。

多年來,對于PHN的分子水平的基礎研究尚未取得顯著的進展。現有研究[2-5]指出機體免疫功能低下,CD4+T細胞數量及活性明顯下降、TH1/TH2輔助細胞比例失衡引起免疫紊亂,是造成HZPHN的重要因素。王英[6]等在觀察HZ預后的對照試驗中發現,實驗組中HZ患者經治療后仍發展為PHN的與對照組(未患HZ)相比較,其CD4+T淋巴細胞含量降低,患者體內Th1/Th2持續性失衡,Th1細胞功能低下、Th2細胞功能亢進,引起血清IL-2偏低、IL-6偏高[7-11],這可能是患者遺留PHN的原因。臭氧具有免疫調節及鎮痛等作用,近年來,臭氧自體血回輸療法(ozone autohemotherapy treatment O3-AHT)用于PHN的治療及機體免疫因子影響的報道極少見。本實驗擬通過觀察O3-AHT對于PHN患者血清IL-2IL-6水平的影響,證實O3-AHTPHN患者通過免疫調節作用起到治療作用。
